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Christina MclartyChristina Mclarty
Previous Women of the Month
September 30, 2011 UPDATE:  We now have confirmation that David Arquette is the luckiest man in the world - he went on Howard Stern's radio show this past Wednesday, September 28, 2011 and told the world that he is currently dating the awesome and outstanding and perfect Christina McLarty.
July 26, 2011 UPDATE:  Apparently Christina McLarty is now dating David Arquette (former husband of Courtney Cox) ... as David and Christina were seen together at Comic-Con 2011 in San Diego last week.

Midlifebachelor.com is proud to announce the selection of Christina McLarty as our Woman of the Month for February 2011!
Now if you do not live in the Los Angeles area, then you may not have seen or heard of Christina McLarty in the past. We here in LA most recently have seen her as the entertainment reporter on KCAL 9 and/or CBS 2 ... where she has done a commendable job interviewing the various celebrities. The reason why she's been selected Woman of the Month has more to do with something she did recently which resonates in our demographic - the midlife divorced crowd ... she divorced her husband of four months ... for reasons unknown to the world ... but we can certainly guess ... because her husband was a well-known film-maker of questionable content, and because he was rumored to have had massive gambling debts at a certain Las Vegas casino.
Why is her divorcing him commendable, and why does it resonate? Because here at midlifebachelor.com, we are all about making mistakes - and then learning from them. Christina didn't take 20 years to figure out her mistake (like many of us did) - no. She figured it out right away, and made the correct choice to move out, and go in a different direction. And for that, we applaud her!
I, personally, have watched Christina McLarty in action as an entertainment reporter many times, and I believe her best years in broadcast journalism are in front of her. She is a stunningly attractive woman - and so her challenge moving forward will be to avoid the dark underbelly of Hollywood while she works on her career. We don't know for sure if she can do it, but we'll cross our fingers and hope for the best.
We tried hard to get some good biographic information on Christina McLarty, but it just didn't seem to be available. All we know is that she apparently went to NYU, and is the daughter of Bill Clinton's former chief of staff, Mark McLarty. We've read that she enjoys cooking, reading, checking out the local farmers markets, and tending to her 4-year-old Basset Hound. Her online bio at CBS2 and KCAL9 is missing - so we hope she did not leave there unexpectedly ... but if she did, I know she'll resurface somewhere soon. We at midlifebachelor.com wish Christina McLarty the best both professionally and personally in life.
If you know Christina (or if Christina, herself, is reading this), please drop us a line at info at midlifebachelor.com, and let us know what is up with her so we can update this page for her fans here at midlifebachelor.com.
Here are several videos of Christina McLarty in action ... (note that the second video shows her with Jackie Johnson who was our Woman of the Month pick for January 2008) ...

Typically at this point, we attempt to analyze our Woman of the Month pick in terms of the Midlifebachelor.com 14 Types of Women. Which type or types do you suppose Christina McLarty might be? Well, she is certainly a Jackpot (see Types of Women - Jackpot) since she is obviously a high income earner.  If you know Christina Mclarty personally and/or would to share something about her - please add a COMMENT to the comment section at the bottom of this page!

Click Here to see an Index of All Previous Women of the Month
Nominee for our Next Woman of the Month
Do you have a nomination for Woman of the Month? If so - please email us. We need you to include a good overall description of her, why you are nominating her, and also a URL that points to some information about her. We also need a non-copyrighted tasteful photo of her, or a URL that points to a photo. Serious consideration is given to women of achievement who have something other than their pretty smile to show off. In other words, the ideal Woman of the Month is intelligent, professional, well-dressed, good-looking, well-spoken, and would be considered a JACKPOT in midllifebachelor.com terminology.

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