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Pole Employ

ANPE (Agence Nationale Pour Emploi - job centre for employment seekers) and ASSEDIC (Association pour l'Emploi Dans l'Industrie et le Commerce - the unemployment office) the two French national organisations concerned with unemployment and job seekers merged in January 2009 to form Pôle-Emploi.
Pôle-Emploi (which means "Employment Centre") operates the employment centre, assisting job seekers to find placement and ensures benefits are paid. It also works for the employers, assisting companies in their recruitment (needs analysis, selection of candidates) and collects contributions for unemployment insurance.
Pôle-Emploi has a website service for job seekers and employers to review job vacancies or CVs of available workers.

End of Employment
If a work contract has come to an end or a worker has been dismissed, the first step is to register at the local Pôle-Emploi office.
The conditions for receiving benefits are quite complex and depend on an individual's circumstances. However, one criteria is that the employee must have worked at least 6 months out of the previous 22 months and not have left the employment of their own free will (unless, for example, they left to follow a spouse to another part of the country for their job, or they have left as the result of a rupture conventionnelle du contrat de travail)
Unemployment allowance is not allocated to anyone over 65.
Registration at the Unemployment Office
Registration as unemployed may be made from the day following the end of an employment contract. Registration as unemployed and registration for access to employment  take place at the same job centre.


The job seeker must pre-register online by e-mail or by telephone to make an appointment for registration for unemployment benefits and (if required) job seeking. Notice of the appointment will be received by email or telephone.
  • Reservation by phone: Tel 39 49
Once an appointment has been made, the following documents are required at the meeting:
  • Registration and application for unemployment benefits file
  • Proof of identity (Carte de Séjour or passport)
  • Social security card
  • Certificate issued by the employer (if relevant)
  • Bank RIB
During the consultation an advisor will explore and elaborate on the Projet Personnalisé d'Accès à l'Emploi (PPAE) or "plan of action" to find a job. Job seekers eligible for benefit payments will immediately be registered as an employment seeker. An identifying number and personal code is issued at the initial meeting. These should be quoted in all correspondence and at all meetings.
Once the file (dossier) is completed, and the form allowing unemployment benefit (allocation de chômage) is completed and signed, the dossier will be examined and the unemployed person will be notified of their rights.
Finding Employment
By law, to be registered as unemployed, the applicant must be actively searching for employment and be available for interviews and be ready to work. And they must be completely legal to work in France.
Note: Non-EU citizens will need to show they have the right to work in France. This may be a visa, or may be stated on the Carte/Titre de Séjour with the phrase: "toutes activités professionnelles".
Registration with Pôle-Emploi should be confirmed regularly with a monthly declaration of situation.
If a job seeker does not respond to Pôle-Emploi offers of meetings with possible employers, the application may be cancelled. Pôle-Emploi must be informed of all changes to a person's circumstances (finding any type of employment, pregnancy, change of address, enrolment in courses, illness) and if the job seeker intends to travel out of the country for more than seven days. Notification must be given of these changes in situation within 72 hours.

Websites for job seekers in France:

  • Pôle-Emploi
  • APEC
  • AFPA Association nationale pour la Formation Professionnelle des Adultes: Training and employment for poorly qualified job seekers.
  • CadreEmploi
  • CadresOnline
  • Monster
Related Information
  • Unemployment information from the French government website Service Public
End of Employment and Registering for Assistance
If a work contract has come to an end or a worker has been dismissed, the first step is to register at the local Pôle-Emploi office.
The conditions for receiving benefits are quite complex and depend on an individual's circumstances. However, one criteria is that the employee must have worked at least 6 months out of the previous 22 months and not have left the employment of their own free will (unless, for example, they left to follow a spouse to another part of the country for their job, or they have left as the result of a rupture conventionnelle du contrat de travail)
Unemployment allowance is not allocated to anyone over 65.
Registration at the Unemployment Office
Registration as unemployed may be made from the day following the end of an employment contract. Registration as unemployed and registration for access to employment  take place at the same job centre.


The job seeker must pre-register online by e-mail or by telephone to make an appointment for registration for unemployment benefits and (if required) job seeking. Notice of the appointment will be received by email or telephone.
  • Reservation by phone: Tel 39 49
Once an appointment has been made, the following documents are required at the meeting:
  • Registration and application for unemployment benefits file
  • Proof of identity (Carte de Séjour or passport)
  • Social security card
  • Certificate issued by the employer (if relevant)
  • Bank RIB
During the consultation an advisor will explore and elaborate on the Projet Personnalisé d'Accès à l'Emploi (PPAE) or "plan of action" to find a job. Job seekers eligible for benefit payments will immediately be registered as an employment seeker. An identifying number and personal code is issued at the initial meeting. These should be quoted in all correspondence and at all meetings.
Once the file (dossier) is completed, and the form allowing unemployment benefit (allocation de chômage) is completed and signed, the dossier will be examined and the unemployed person will be notified of their rights.
Resources for Job Seekers
By law, to be registered as unemployed, the applicant must be actively searching for employment and be available for interviews and be ready to work. And they must be completely legal to work in France.
Note: Non-EU citizens will need to show they have the right to work in France. This may be a visa, or may be stated on the Carte/Titre de Séjour with the phrase: "toutes activités professionnelles".
Registration with Pôle-Emploi should be confirmed regularly with a monthly declaration of situation.
If a job seeker does not respond to Pôle-Emploi offers of meetings with possible employers, the application may be cancelled. Pôle-Emploi must be informed of all changes to a person's circumstances (finding any type of employment, pregnancy, change of address, enrolment in courses, illness) and if the job seeker intends to travel out of the country for more than seven days. Notification must be given of these changes in situation within 72 hours.

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